Library vulns

Functions for vulnerability management.

The vulnerabilities library may be used by scripts to report and store vulnerabilities in a common format.

Reported vulnerabilities information must be stored in tables. Each vulnerability must have its own state: NOT_VULN: The program was confirmed to be not vulnerable. LIKELY_VULN: The program is likely to be vulnerable, this can be the case when we do a simple version comparison. This state should cover possible false positive situations. VULN: The program was confirmed to be vulnerable. EXPLOIT: The program was confirmed to be vulnerable and was exploited successfully. The VULN state will be set automatically. DoS: The program was confirmed to be vulnerable to Denial of Service attack. The VULN state will be set automatically.

To match different vulnerability states, like the VULN and EXPLOIT states or the VULN and DoS states, one can use the bitwise operations.

Vulnerability table: --------------------

local vuln_table = {
  title = "BSD ftpd Single Byte Buffer Overflow", -- mandatory field
  state = vulns.STATE.EXPLOIT, -- mandatory field
  -- Of course we must confirm the exploitation, otherwise just mark
  -- it vulns.STATE.VULN if the vulnerability was confirmed.
  -- states: 'NOT_VULN', 'LIKELY_VULN', 'VULN', 'DoS' and 'EXPLOIT'

  -- The following fields are all optional

  IDS = { -- Table of IDs
     --  ID Type     ID (must be a string)
         CVE       = 'CVE-2001-0053',
         BID       = '2124',

  risk_factor = "High", -- 'High', 'Medium' or 'Low'
  scores = { -- A map of the different scores
     CVSS = "10.0",
     CVSSv2 = "...",

  description = [[
One-byte buffer overflow in BSD-based ftpd allows remote attackers
to gain root privileges.]],

  dates = {
     disclosure = { year = 2000, month = 12, day = 18},

  check_results = { -- A string or a list of strings
     -- This field can store the results of the vulnerability check.
     -- Did the server return anything ? some specialists can
     -- investigate this and decide if the program is vulnerable.

  exploit_results = { -- A string or a list of strings
     -- This field can store the results of the exploitation.

  extra_info = { -- A string or a list of strings
     -- This field can be used to store and shown any useful
     -- information about the vulnerability, server, etc.

  references = { -- List of references

      -- If some popular IDs like 'CVE' and 'OSVBD' are provided
      -- then their links will be automatically constructed.

The following examples illustrates how to use the library.

Examples for portrule and hostrule scripts:

 -- portrule and hostrule scripts must use the vulns.Report class
 -- to report vulnerabilities
 local vuln_table = {
  title = "BSD ftpd Single Byte Buffer Overflow", -- mandatory field
  references = { -- List of references
 vuln_table.state = vulns.STATE.VULN
 local report = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port)
 return report:make_output(vuln_table, ...)

 local vuln_table = {
  title = "BSD ftpd Single Byte Buffer Overflow", -- mandatory field
  references = { -- List of references
 vuln_table.state = vulns.STATE.VULN
 local report = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port)
 report:add(vuln_table, ...)
 return report:make_output()

Examples for prerule and postrule scripts:

 local FID -- my script FILTER ID

 prerule = function()
   FID = vulns.save_reports()
   if FID then
     return true
   return false

 postrule = function()
   if nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] then
     FID = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].FID
     if vulns.get_ids(FID) then
       return true
   return false

 prerule_action = function()
   nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] or {}
   nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].FID = FID
   return nil

 postrule_action = function()
   return vulns.make_output(FID) -- show all the vulnerabilities

 local tactions = {
   prerule = prerule_action,
   postrule = postrule_action,

 action = function(...) return tactions[SCRIPT_TYPE](...) end

Library debug messages:

  • Level 2: show the NOT VULNERABLE entries.
  • Level 3: show all the vulnerabilities that are saved into the registry.
  • Level 5: show all the other debug messages (useful for debugging).

Note: Vulnerability tables are always re-constructed before they are saved in the registry. We do this to avoid using vulnerability tables that are referenced by other objects to let the Lua garbage-collector collect these last objects.


  • Djalal Harouni
  • Henri Doreau

Copyright © Same as Nmap--See


Script Arguments


If set, vulnerabilities will be output in short format, a single line consisting of the host's target name or IP, the state, and either the CVE ID or the title of the vulnerability. Does not affect XML output.


If set, the library will show and report all the registered vulnerabilities which includes the NOT VULNERABLE ones. By default the library will only report the VULNERABLE entries: VULNERABLE, LIKELY VULNERABLE, VULNERABLE (DoS) and VULNERABLE (Exploitable). This argument affects the following functions: vulns.Report.make_output(): the default output function for portule/hostrule scripts. vulns.make_output(): the default output function for postrule scripts. vulns.format_vuln() and vulns.format_vuln_table() functions.


add (script_name, ..., vulnerabilities)

Adds vulnerability tables into the vulnerability database (registry).

add_ids (fid, ..., FILTER, IDs)

Add vulnerability IDs type to the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID.

add_popular_id (self, id_type, callback)

Registers and associates a callback function with the popular ID vulnerability type to construct and return popular links automatically.

add_vulns (self, ..., vulnerabilities)

Adds vulnerability tables to the report.

find (fid, selection_filter, FILTER, selection)

Search and return vulnerabilities in a list.

find_by_id (fid, vuln_id_type, id, FILTER)

Search vulnerability entries by ID and return the results in a list.

format_vuln (vuln_table, showall)

Format the vulnerability information and return it as a string.

format_vuln_table (vuln_table, showall)

Format the vulnerability information and return it in a table.

get_ids (fid, FILTER)

Gets the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID.

get_popular_link (id_type, id)

Calls the function associated with the popular ID vulnerability type to construct and to return the appropriate reference link.

lookup_id (fid, vuln_id_type, id, FILTER)

Lookup for a vulnerability entry in the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID.

make_output (self, ..., vulnerabilities)

Report vulnerabilities.

make_output (self, ..., vulnerabilities)

Report vulnerabilities.

new (self, script_name, host, port)

Creates a new Report object

register_popular_id (id_type, callback)

Registers and associates a callback function with the popular ID vulnerability type to construct and return popular links automatically.

save_reports (filter_callback)

Initializes the vulnerability database and instructs the library to save all the vulnerability tables reported by scripts into this database (registry).


add (script_name, ..., vulnerabilities)

Adds vulnerability tables into the vulnerability database (registry).

This function takes a variable number of vulnerability tables and stores them in the vulnerability database if they satisfy the callback filters that were registered by the vulns.save_reports() function.

Scripts must call vulns.save_reports() function first to setup the vulnerability database.


The script name. The SCRIPT_NAME environment variable will do the job.
A variable number of vulnerability tables.


local vuln_table = {
 title = "Vulnerability X",
 state = vulns.STATE.VULN,
 -- take a look at the vulnerability table example at the beginning.
local status, ret = vulns.add(SCRIPT_NAME, vuln_table)

Return values:

  1. True if the vulnerability tables were added, otherwise False.
  2. Number of added vulnerabilities on success.
add_ids (fid, ..., FILTER, IDs)

Add vulnerability IDs type to the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID.

This function will create a table for each specified vulnerability ID into the vulnerability database to store the associated vulnerability entries.

This function takes a FILTER ID as it is returned by the vulns.save_reports() function and a variable number of vulnerability IDs type as parameters.

Scripts must call vulns.save_reports() function first to setup the vulnerability database.


ID as it is returned by vulns.save_reports()
A variable number of strings that represent the vulnerability IDs type.


vulns.add_ids(fid, 'CVE', 'OSVDB')

Registers and associates a callback function with the popular ID vulnerability type to construct and return popular links automatically.

The callback function takes a vulnerability ID as a parameter and must return a link. The library automatically supports three different popular IDs: CVE: OSVDB: BID:


String representing the vulnerability ID type. 'CVE', 'OSVDB' ...
A function to construct and return links.


function get_example_link(id)
  return string.format("%s%s",
           "", id)
report:add_popular_id('EXM-ID', get_example_link)

Return value:

True on success or false if it can not register the callback.
add_vulns (self, ..., vulnerabilities)

Adds vulnerability tables to the report.

Takes a variable number of vulnerability tables and stores them in the internal db of the report so they can be reported later.


A variable number of vulnerability tables.


local vuln_table = {
 title = "Vulnerability X",
 state = vulns.STATE.VULN,
 -- take a look at the vulnerability table example at the beginning.
local status, ret = report:add_vulns(vuln_table)

Return values:

  1. True if the vulnerability tables were added, otherwise False.
  2. Number of added vulnerabilities on success.
find (fid, selection_filter, FILTER, selection)

Search and return vulnerabilities in a list.

This function will return a list of the vulnerabilities that were stored in the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID that satisfy the selection filter. It will take a FILTER ID as it is returned by the vulns.save_reports function and a selection_filter table as parameters.

Scripts must call vulns.save_reports() function first to setup the vulnerability database.

This function is not affected by the vulns.showall script argument. The selection_filter is an optional table parameter of optional fields which can be used to select which vulnerabilities to return, if it is not set then all vulnerability entries will be returned.


ID as it is returned by vulns.save_reports()
An optional table to select which vulnerabilities to list. The fields of the selection filter table are: state: The vulnerability state. risk_factor: The vulnerability risk_factor field, can be one of these values: "High", "Medium" or "Low". hosts_filter: A function to filter the host table of the vulnerability table. This function must return a boolean, true if it passes the filter otherwise false. The host table: host = {ip, targetname, bin_ip} ports_filter: A function to filter the port table of the vulnerability table. This function must return a boolean, true if it passes the filter, otherwise false. The port table: port = {number, protocol, service, version} id_type: The vulnerability ID type, (e.g: 'CVE', 'OSVDB' ...) id: The vulnerability ID. All these fields are optional.


-- All the following fields are optional.
local selection_filter = {
  state = vulns.STATE.VULN, -- number
  risk_factor = "High", -- string
  hosts_filter = function(
                 -- Function that returns a boolean
                 -- True if it passes the filter, otherwise false.
                 -- = {ip, targetname, bin_ip}
  ports_filter = function(vuln_table.port)
                 -- Function that returns a boolean
                 -- True if it passes the filter, otherwise false.
                 -- vuln_table.port = {number, protocol, service
                 --                    version}
  id_type = 'CVE', -- Vulnerability type ID (string)
  id = 'CVE-XXXX-XXXX', -- CVE id (string)
local list = vulns.find(fid, selection_filter)

Return value:

List of vulnerability tables on success, or nil on failures.
find_by_id (fid, vuln_id_type, id, FILTER)

Search vulnerability entries by ID and return the results in a list.

This function will return a list of the same vulnerability that affects different hosts, each host will have its own vulnerability table.

Scripts must call vulns.save_reports() function first to setup the vulnerability database.


A string representing the vulnerability ID type.
The vulnerability ID.
ID as it is returned by vulns.save_reports()


local list = vulns.find_by_id(fid, 'CVE', 'CVE-XXXX-XXXX')

Return value:

List of vulnerability tables on success, or nil on failures.
format_vuln (vuln_table, showall)

Format the vulnerability information and return it as a string.

This function can return nil if the vulnerability mandatory fields are missing or if the script argument vulns.showall and the 'showall' string parameter were not set and the state of the vulnerability is NOT VULNERABLE.

Script writers must check the returned result.

If the vulnerability table contains the host and port tables, then the following fields will be shown:,, vuln_table.port.number and vuln_table.port.service


The vulnerability information table.
A string if set then show all the vulnerabilities including the NOT VULNERABLE ones. This optional parameter can be used to overwrite the vulns.showall script argument value.


local vuln_str = vulns.format_vuln(vuln_table, 'showall')
if vuln_str then
   return vuln_str

Return value:

Multiline string on success. If one of the mandatory vulnerability fields is missing or if the script argument vulns.showall and the 'showall' string parameter were not specified and the vulnerability state is NOT VULNERABLE then it will print a debug message about the vulnerability and return nil.
format_vuln_table (vuln_table, showall)

Format the vulnerability information and return it in a table.

This function can return nil if the vulnerability mandatory fields are missing or if the script argument vulns.showall and the 'showall' string parameter were not set and the state of the vulnerability is NOT VULNERABLE.

Script writers must check the returned result.

If the vulnerability table contains the host and port tables, then the following fields will be shown:,, vuln_table.port.number and vuln_table.port.service


The vulnerability information table.
A string if set then show all the vulnerabilities including the NOT VULNERABLE ones. This optional parameter can be used to overwrite the vulns.showall script argument value.


local vuln_output = vulns.format_vuln_table(vuln_table)
if vuln_output then
   -- process the vuln_output table

Return value:

Multiline string on success. If one of the mandatory vulnerability fields is missing or if the script argument vulns.showall and the 'showall' string parameter were not specified and the vulnerability state is NOT VULNERABLE then it will print a debug message about the vulnerability and return nil.
get_ids (fid, FILTER)

Gets the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID.

This function can be used to check if there are vulnerability entries that were saved in the vulnerability database. The format of the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID is specified as Lua comments in this library.

Scripts must call vulns.save_reports() function first to setup the vulnerability database.


ID as it is returned by vulns.save_reports()


local vulndb = vulns.get_ids(fid)
if vulndb then
   -- process vulnerability entries

Return value:

vulndb The internal vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID if there are vulnerability entries that were saved, otherwise nil.

Calls the function associated with the popular ID vulnerability type to construct and to return the appropriate reference link.

The library automatically supports three different popular IDs: CVE: OSVDB: BID:


String representing the vulnerability ID type. 'CVE', 'OSVDB' ...
String representing the vulnerability ID.


local link = vulns.get_popular_link('CVE', 'CVE-2001-0053')

Return value:

URI The URI on success or nil if the library does not support the specified id_type, and in this case you can register new ID types by calling vulns.register_popular_id().
lookup_id (fid, vuln_id_type, id, FILTER)

Lookup for a vulnerability entry in the vulnerability database associated with the FILTER ID.

This function can be used to see if there are any references to the specified vulnerability in the database, it will return True if so which means that one of the scripts has attempted to check this vulnerability.

Scripts must call vulns.save_reports() function first to setup the vulnerability database.


A string representing the vulnerability ID type.
The vulnerability ID.
ID as it is returned by vulns.save_reports()


local status = vulns.lookup(fid, 'CVE', 'CVE-XXXX-XXXX')

Return value:

True if there are references to this entry in the vulnerability database, otherwise False.
make_output (self, ..., vulnerabilities)

Report vulnerabilities.

Takes a variable number of vulnerability tables and stores them in the internal db of the report, then format all the vulnerabilities that are in this db for user display. Scripts should use this function as a tail call.

To show the NOT VULNERABLE entries users must specify the vulns.showall script argument.


A variable number of vulnerability tables.


local vuln_table = {
 title = "Vulnerability X",
 state = vulns.STATE.VULN,
 -- take a look at the vulnerability table example at the beginning.
return report:make_output(vuln_table)

Return value:

multiline string on success, or nil on failures.
make_output (self, ..., vulnerabilities)

Report vulnerabilities.

Takes a variable number of vulnerability tables and stores them in the internal db of the report, then format all the vulnerabilities that are in this db for user display. Scripts should use this function as a tail call.

To show the NOT VULNERABLE entries users must specify the vulns.showall script argument.


A variable number of vulnerability tables.


local vuln_table = {
 title = "Vulnerability X",
 state = vulns.STATE.VULN,
 -- take a look at the vulnerability table example at the beginning.
return report:make_output(vuln_table)

Return value:

multiline string on success, or nil on failures.
new (self, script_name, host, port)

Creates a new Report object



Return value:

report object

Registers and associates a callback function with the popular ID vulnerability type to construct and return popular links automatically.

The callback function takes a vulnerability ID as a parameter and must return a link. The library automatically supports three different popular IDs: CVE: OSVDB: BID:


String representing the vulnerability ID type. 'CVE', 'OSVDB' ...
A function to construct and return links.


function get_example_link(id)
  return string.format("%s%s",
           "", id)
vulns.register_popular_id('EXM-ID', get_example_link)

Return value:

True on success or false if it can not register the callback.
save_reports (filter_callback)

Initializes the vulnerability database and instructs the library to save all the vulnerability tables reported by scripts into this database (registry).

Usually this function should be called during a prerule function so it can instructs the library to save vulnerability entries that will be reported by the vulns.Report class or by the vulns.add() function.

This function can take an optional callback filter parameter that can help the library to decide if it should store the vulnerability table in the registry or not. The callback function must return a boolean value. If this parameter is not set then all vulnerability tables will be saved. This function will return a uniq FILTER ID for the scripts to be used by the other library functions to reference the appropriate vulnerability entries that were saved previously.


The callback function to filter vulnerabilities. The function will receive a vulnerability table as a parameter in order to inspect it, and must return a boolean value. True if the the vulnerability table should be saved in the registry, otherwise false. This parameter is optional.


FID = vulns.save_reports() -- save all vulnerability reports.

-- Save only vulnerabilities with the <code>VULNERABLE</code> state.
local function save_only_vuln(vuln_table)
  if (vuln_table.state & vulns.STATE.VULN) ~= 0 then
    return true
  return false
FID = vulns.save_reports(save_only_vuln)

Return value:

Filter ID A uniq ID to be used by the other library functions to reference and identify the appropriate vulnerabilities.